
Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-02-25 | Permalink | Leave a comment

If you're reading this, you somehow found me at Maybe you came here from one of my many previous blogs, and you're marveling at the beautiful new design (?). As I alluded to in the "moved again" note, this site is built from a source of md files, using a custom md-to-html enginge. If you're sane, you're probably why I would create an md-to-html engine, instead of using one of the many available options.

MdlogGen: yet another MD site generator

MdlogGen is a simple md-to-static-html, however it supports a few features I wasn't able to find elsewhere: comments, and site-search. MdlogGen depends on Github for these two features (or, rather, depends on the viewer to have a Github account to be able to use these two features).

MdlogGen also supports the exact feature set I need, no more and no less; while using an off-the-shelf generator may have been a better longer term investment, 90% for the raison d'etre of this site is "for fun", and spending a weekend writing hacky code is more fun than spending a weekend trying to figure out how to configure Github deploy rules, and learning to use a third party content generator. I get to write enough code for a living during the week - weekends are for fun code! An alternate reason is that I already had to spend a chunk of time cleaning XML exports from my previous sites to build this one - so MdlogGen is sort of a natural evolution of those scripts. Kind of.

Check out MdlogGen's reamde: while many other md-to-html generators exist, I think this may be one of the simplest feature-complete generators out there.