Move again

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-02-18 | Permalink | Leave a comment

I'm now at If I count platform, domain or tech-stack changes as a migration, I've now lost count of how many this site has had. It's the third one in the last few years. I moved away from WP because I wasn't happy with the sponsored content added to my site. I also wasn't happy with Blogger, I never quite like the interface, the way to write posts, or the customization options.

This site now came full circle: it started as a self-hosted php bundle, and it's now a kind-of-self-hosted static html site, generated from .md files in Github. I figured I'm the person who reads this site the most, so I should like it. I'm a nerd, so I like writing code; hence the custom md-to-html converter, about which I should blog some time soon. This is also only meant as a fun project (and a great self-reminder mechanism, persistent through the decades) so why not reinvent the wheel, and create a custom md-to-html renderer for it?


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