Posts for 2025 March

Homeboard: Versioning frames

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2025-03-23 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Since I've been fixing plenty of bugs, figured I should also start versioning my frame mount designs.

The Ikea-frame version should look something like this:

The design for this one lives here

You can download it an open it with Inkscape; remember to switch to outline mode in Inkscape, otherwise you're unlikely to see anything. The frames are designed for a laser engraver, and the cuts are about 1/100'th of a mm.

And the standalone vesion will hopefully look a bit less terrible than this, since this picture is from a few bug-revisions before:

The design for the standalone version:

Homeboard: A Hardware bug!

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2025-03-16 | Permalink | Leave a comment

I found my first hardware bug! Can you spot it? It's the big red circle:

The mmwave sensor was mounted too close to either the screen, or the power source (something I thought was a brilliant idea yesterday). Turns out that mounting it so close has an affect on this sensor: when the display is on, it blocks the sensor (and reads it as no-presence). When the display is off, for some reason the sensor picks it up as someone being present. This is bad, because on presence I turn the display on, and on vacancy off. I guess my living room put on a light show for my cats last night.

I suspect I could fix this in the firmware of the sensor, but that's pointless because I can't reverse engineer the sensor protocol anyway. What's the next best fix?

I moved the sensor out of the way, while I think of a better placement.

Homeboard: eInk display

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2025-03-15 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Homeboard gained a new form factor: slightly less crappy frame.

I now keep two Homeboards, one in my office -mostly for hacking- and one to display pictures. The one in my office didn't have a good space for the eInk display (spoiler alert: it still doesn't) making it awkward to see both the "real" display and the eink one. To fix this, I built a new mount based on a picture frame. This time all of the elements are mounted directly on the front frame (spoiler alert: this was a huge mistake), and I used transparent perspex material to cut it, so that all elements are visible (I do like this bit, the boards that make up Homeboard are quite pretty).


The build uses an Ikea picture frame, but replaces the front plate with my laser-cut front.

The back of the frame:

Some things I need to improve: