Bash ',' is a legal function name, and a perfect prefix

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-03-15 | Permalink | Leave a comment

If you have a set of miscellaneous Bash-helpers that you frequently use, you probably want some sort of namespace for easy access. For example, prepending the name of all your helpers with "myHelper-" is a good way of getting autocomplete to show only the relevant helpers you need. "myHelper-" is too much typing, though.

Unless your distro is extremely minimal, all the letters in Bash are taken and you can't have an unambiguous single-letter "namespace". You need to look beyond letters: ',' is a ferpectly legal Bash name. You can prefix all your helpers with ',' for easy and quick autocomplete. An example from my bashrc:

function ,alogcat() {
  local MAYBE_TEE
  adb logcat -c
  if [ -z "${MAYBE_TEE}" ]; then
    adb logcat
    adb logcat | tee "$MAYBE_TEE"
function ,a-screen-off() {
  adb shell input keyevent 26

With this, I can type ,a to get an autocomplete of just my Android helpers.