Vim tim: quickly switch from header to impl

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2013-11-19 | Permalink | 2 comments | Leave a comment

Switching from header to implementation in vim takes up precious milliseconds of typing and thinking, so we'd better delegate that to a computer. Instead of typing :tabnew FOO.cpp, just download A (for alternate) from this url:

Add it to your bundles in vim and, for extra magic, just map some key to :AT in your vimrc. I have added this one:

map  :AT

I don't know how I lived without this for such a long time.

In reply to this post, Matt commented @ 2013-11-19T21:29:34.000+01:00:

I've not tried A, but fswitch offers similar functionality:

Original published here.

In reply to this post, nico commented @ 2013-11-19T21:33:54.000+01:00:

Thanks Matt!

Original published here.