C++ exceptions under the hood 13: setting the context for a landing pad

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2013-04-25 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Last time we finally wrote an almost working personality function. We can detect for each stack frame which landing pads are available and then tell _Unwind_ we want to run a specific landing pad. We hit a small issue, though: although we set the context for _Unwind_ to continue executing on the correct landing pad we didn't set the current exception on the register. This, in turn, means that the landing pad won't know which exception should be handling, so it will say "I can't handle this". _Unwind_ will then say "please try the next landing pad" but our ABI is so simple that it has no idea how it should find another landing pad and just tries the same. Over and over again. We have probably invented the most contrived example for a while(true)!

Let's set the correct context for the landing pad and clean up a bit our ABI:

namespace __cxxabiv1 {
    struct __class_type_info {
        virtual void foo() {}
    } ti;
char exception_buff[EXCEPTION_BUFF_SIZE];
extern "C" {
void __cxa_allocate_exception(size_t thrown_size)
    printf("alloc ex %i\n", thrown_size);
    if (thrown_size > EXCEPTION_BUFF_SIZE) printf("Exception too big");
    return &exception_buff;
void __cxa_free_exception(void thrown_exception);
typedef void (unexpected_handler)(void);
typedef void (terminate_handler)(void);
struct __cxa_exception {
    std::type_info *    exceptionType;
    void (exceptionDestructor) (void );
    unexpected_handler  unexpectedHandler;
    terminate_handler   terminateHandler;
    __cxa_exception *   nextException;
    int         handlerCount;
    int         handlerSwitchValue;
    const char *        actionRecord;
    const char *        languageSpecificData;
    void *          catchTemp;
    void *          adjustedPtr;
    _Unwind_Exception   unwindHeader;
void __cxa_throw(void thrown_exception,
                 struct type_info tinfo,
                 void (dest)(void))
    printf("__cxa_throw called\n");
    __cxa_exception header = ((__cxa_exception ) thrown_exception - 1);
    // __cxa_throw never returns
    printf("no one handled __cxa_throw, terminate!\n");
void __cxa_begin_catch()
    printf("begin FTW\n");
void __cxa_end_catch()
    printf("end FTW\n");
 * The LSDA is a read only place in memory; we'll create a typedef for
 * this to avoid a const mess later on; LSDA_ptr refers to readonly and
 * &LSDA_ptr will be a non-const pointer to a const place in memory
typedef const uint8_t LSDA_ptr;
struct LSDA_Header {
     * Read the LSDA table into a struct; advances the lsda pointer
     * as many bytes as read
    LSDA_Header(LSDA_ptr lsda) {
        LSDA_ptr read_ptr = lsda;
        // Copy the LSDA fields
        start_encoding = read_ptr[0];
        type_encoding = read_ptr[1];
        ttype = read_ptr[2];
        // Advance the lsda pointer
        lsda = read_ptr + sizeof(LSDA_Header);
    uint8_t start_encoding;
    uint8_t type_encoding;
    uint8_t ttype;
struct LSDA_CS_Header {
    // Same as other LSDA constructors
    LSDA_CS_Header(LSDA_ptr lsda) {
        LSDA_ptr read_ptr = lsda;
        encoding = read_ptr[0];
        length = read_ptr[1];
        lsda = read_ptr + sizeof(LSDA_CS_Header);
    uint8_t encoding;
    uint8_t length;
struct LSDA_CS {
    // Same as other LSDA constructors
    LSDA_CS(LSDA_ptr lsda) {
        LSDA_ptr read_ptr = lsda;
        start = read_ptr[0];
        len = read_ptr[1];
        lp = read_ptr[2];
        action = read_ptr[3];
        lsda = read_ptr + sizeof(LSDA_CS);
    // Note start, len and lp would be void's, but they are actually relative
    // addresses: start and lp are relative to the start of the function, len
    // is relative to start
    // Offset into function from which we could handle a throw
    uint8_t start;
    // Length of the block that might throw
    uint8_t len;
    // Landing pad
    uint8_t lp;
    // Offset into action table + 1 (0 means no action)
    // Used to run destructors
    uint8_t action;
_Unwind_Reason_Code __gxx_personality_v0 (
                             int version,
                             _Unwind_Action actions,
                             uint64_t exceptionClass,
                             _Unwind_Exception unwind_exception,
                             _Unwind_Context context)
    if (actions & _UA_SEARCH_PHASE)
        printf("Personality function, lookup phase\n");
        return _URC_HANDLER_FOUND;
    } else if (actions & _UA_CLEANUP_PHASE) {
        printf("Personality function, cleanup\n");
        // Pointer to the beginning of the raw LSDA
        LSDA_ptr lsda = (uint8_t)_Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData(context);
        // Read LSDA headerfor the LSDA
        LSDA_Header header(&lsda);
        // Read the LSDA CS header
        LSDA_CS_Header cs_header(&lsda);
        // Calculate where the end of the LSDA CS table is
        const LSDA_ptr lsda_cs_table_end = lsda + cs_header.length;
        // Loop through each entry in the CS table
        while (lsda < lsda_cs_table_end)
            LSDA_CS cs(&lsda);
            if (cs.lp)
                int r0 = __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(0);
                int r1 = __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(1);
                _Unwind_SetGR(context, r0, (uintptr_t)(unwind_exception));
                // Note the following code hardcodes the exception type;
                // we'll fix that later on
                _Unwind_SetGR(context, r1, (uintptr_t)(1));
                uintptr_t func_start = _Unwind_GetRegionStart(context);
                _Unwind_SetIP(context, func_start + cs.lp);
        return _URC_INSTALL_CONTEXT;
    } else {
        printf("Personality function, error\n");
        return _URC_FATAL_PHASE1_ERROR;

Note: For a more detailed description of the LSDA tables check here and for the full source code check my github repo.

Finally, it worked. You should see something like this if you run it:

alloc ex 1
__cxa_throw called
Personality function, lookup phase
Personality function, cleanup
begin FTW
Caught a Fake_Exception!
end FTW
try_but_dont_catch handled the exception
catchit handled the exception

Of course we are lying a bit to _Unwind_: we are saying here that we will handle every exception, no mater what. This turns our catch(Exception&) into a catch(...), and all hell will break loose if the first function up in the call frame doesn't have a catch statement. But still, we reached the first milestone for a very simple ABI.

Can we now improve it and make it handle the correct exception on the correct frame? May be next time.