apt-get install new computer III

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2009-05-19 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Check the other two parts of this series:

I recently updated to Ubuntu 9.04 and had to reinstall my work computer. Since the stuff I use for work (mostly c++ programming) was left out in the previous two posts I'll post it here:

sudo apt-get install g++ gdb build-essential g++-4.2 omniorb4 omniidl4-python omniidl4 libxerces-c2-dev
sudo apt-get install vim gvim vim-common vim-doc vim-full vim-gnome vim-gtk
sudo apt-get install ddd devhelp doxygen doxygen-gui exuberant-ctags ctags  subversion
sudo apt-get install ifstat
sudo apt-get install antiword

Done, a couple of apt-get's and you are ready to build your c++ projects! (Ok, actually only the first one is needed, the others are nice-to-have programs).