Posts for 2011 December

Anonymous objects in C++

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2011-12-20 | Permalink | 1 comments | Leave a comment

There are not many cases in which you can have an anonymous *anything* in your code, yet there's an idiom in C++ which lets you use an object with an anonymous type. Like this:

void foo()
   struct {
      int x;

Why would this be useful, you may ask. That's a valid question. This idiom can be very useful to write callbacks, like this:

struct Interface {
   void callback() = 0;
void bar(Interface &c);
void foo()
   struct : public Interface {
      / ... /
   } x;

I am not aware of many other uses for an anonymous type. Even more considering this idiom can now be replaced with a much cleaner lambda. But hey, it looks cool!

Fixing end of line styles between Linux and Windows with SVN

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2011-12-13 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Quite a mouthful for such an easy thing. Don't you just hate when half the people in a project use CR/LF and the other half just LF?

Luckly this is easy to fix, assuming you are using svn. You can use something called auto-props to setup the eol style for different file types.

Set it once for the project, never worry again. Anyone knows its git counterpart?

C++: Checking if a method exists in a parent class

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2011-12-08 | Permalink | Leave a comment

I like Google test and Google mock (C++ only) a lot. These are really great tools to ensure the quality of your code. They do have one problem however, especially when working with a legacy codebase: many times you need to change a signature for a function and your tests begin to fail. Those tests shouldn't really fail, they shouldn't compile at all because you're now trying to mock a function which doesn't exists anymore.

I worked on a patch to check if a class and its parent share the same methods, but I hit some major roadblocks which I believe cannot be saved:

Even though this code will never be useful, I thought I might as well post this here, just in case anyone comes up with a solution for those problems.

// :!g++ foo.cpp -lgtest_main -lgmock && ./a.out
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
using namespace testing;
 * "Real" application
class Foo {
    virtual int bar(int) { return 1; }
    //virtual int bar(void) { return 1; }
class Do {
    int something(Foo &foo){ return; }
 * Class used to compare method ptrs. We need to inherit from class C
 * to forward the calls to the derived methods.
template <class C, class D>
class Mocks_Must_Exist_In : public C {
    // We don't know in the derived class the typeof the parent class
    // so we define a common name using some template magic
    typedef C ParentClass;
    // Actually we don't know our own class either
    typedef D Self;
    // Function ptr definitions are ugly so we might as well use
    // a template to hide it under the rug
    template <class F, class G>
    void mock_created_for_unexisting_method(F f, G g){ f = g; }
#define METHOD_EXISTS(Method)
    void defined_##Method() {
        mock_created_for_unexisting_method(&Self::Method, &ParentClass::Method);
 * Checked mock, shouldn't compile if Foo's interface changes
class FooMock : public Mocks_Must_Exist_In< Foo, FooMock > {
    MOCK_METHOD1(bar, int(int));
 * Unchecked mock, should compile if Foos interface changes
class FooMock2 {
    MOCK_METHOD0(bar, int());
TEST(FooTest, ThisShouldCompile) {
    FooMock foo;
    EXPECT_CALL(foo, bar(_)).WillOnce(Return(42));
    EXPECT_EQ(42, Do().something(foo));