Posts for 2009 April

Vim Tip: Find Next

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2009-04-27 | Permalink | Leave a comment

In normal mode, move the cursor to any word. How do you search for the next occurrence of that word?

Press the * key to search forwards for the current word, or press # to search backwards.

Using * or # searches for the exact word at the cursor (searching for rain would not find rainbow).

Use g* or g# if you don't want to search for the exact word.

Ubuntu J.J.

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2009-04-27 | Permalink | Leave a comment

I've been using Ubuntu 8.10 for couple of months and soon began to think about switching to Debian or some other - more stable - distro. At work Ubuntu 8.10 seemd too unstable, with frequent crashes and slow. Instead of switching I decided to upgrade to 9.04 soon after its release, something I've always avoided (best to wait for a couple of months, until it gets more stable. Even better if it is an LTS). So far I must say this is the best Ubuntu relase I've seen.

Some highlights after the first couple of days:

All in all, a great release and a must upgrade for sure. Ubuntu FTW!

FLISOL / Presentación

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2009-04-23 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Con motivo del FLISOL voy a estar dando con Juanman (de GNUTN, el LUG de la UTN) una versión actualizada de la charla GNU/Linux: Introducción y Programación Gráfica (link al post original) que ya dimos en la UTN el año pasado, con muy buenos resultados.

La charla, que a pedido del departamento de marketing ahora se llama GNU/Linux: Guía de supervivencia, va a ser el sábado 25 de abril del 2009 en FM La Tribu, Lambaré 873, de 12:45 a 13:30 (link al programa completo). Dejo un link a la presentación que estaremos utilizando.

Quedan todos invitados!

Vim Tip: Using markers

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2009-04-20 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Set a marker if you whish Vim to remember a cursor position Use m* to mark current position (use a to z for position names) and then '* to move to mark * (again, a to z).

This trick can be very useful when editing a large file (or lots of files) in case you need to quickly edit something and then return to the previous spot.


Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2009-04-16 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Está abierta la inscripción para participar de FLISOL, Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre.

El Grupo de Usuarios de Software Libre de Capital Federal (CaFeLUG) abrió el registro para participar de FLISOL, el Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre, que este año se realizará el sábado 25 de abril, de 10 a 20 hs. en FM La Tribu, ubicada en Lambare 873, Buenos Aires.

Mas info: Mas info II:

PD: Voy a estar dando una charla en el FLISOL :D